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What about the area of control?
There are still mines on the adventure map. You still have to flag them in order to gain resources. The new stuff is now all mines are in the "area of control" of a city or fort. Once you own the fort/city of an area and flagg the mines, the only way to take the mines from you is to capture the city/fort that controls the area.
Will there be any town screen?
YES, totally. In the demo shown in Köln, they used a temporary screen. The final one is said to be in 2D, more like H3 and H4 and not as complex as the H5 ones. Erwan Le Breton, the game producer, said it himself
Erwan Le Breton: "There will be 2D animated town screen in the release version of the game"
What is the new mechanics for creature production?
Creature dwellings will work as resource production buildings. Basically, when you first capture a creature dwelling you will receive a first batch of creatures that you can integrate straight away to your army. The building will then work as a resource building meaning that it will add creatures to your creature pool every week as a gold mine would add gold to your resources. These creatures will then be hirable via the cities and forts you control. So there is no need for caravans.
What are the Town unique buildings?
2 slots, 4 buildings per town, each with a different ability (economy booster, creature production booster, gives a special ability on the adventure map or the combat maps) Having several similar unique buildings in different towns improves their efficiency (a bit like the marketplaces).
What are the general principles of the revised RPG system?
- Heroes can be male, female, Might, Magic - Heroes have faction and class specific abilities - Heroes gain skill points when they level up, that they can spend consciously on general abilities organized in skill categories they have total control over their development no more probability-based limited skill choices offered to the player - Heroes can unlock advanced classes that will change their appearance and grant them an ultimate ability
What will bring more variety in the combat arenas?
- Specific topography (various sizes and shapes for the battle arenas)
- Dynamic topography (seashore battle with the tide flooding the arena turn by turn)
- Different combat objectives (hold your ground for X turns, defend this sacred shrine at the center of the arena, kill a specific enemy stack, etc.)
- Boss fights!
How about the Initiative system?
Back to H3 mechanics but with a H5-like INI bar interface.
What is the new Creature Tier System?
Core, Elite, Champion (like Clash of Heroes)
What about Creature Siege Damage?
Creature stacks can now damage the fortifications (but are obviously less efficient than catapults)
What about the fixed camera angle?
On the adventure map, to remove the necessity of rotating the camera to locate hidden items. Easier to manage for players and map designers, feels like 2D navigation but with the benefit of 3D coolness
What about the creatures?
no secondary / alternative upgrades
Obvious in the concept arts.
What about the Artifact Sets?
Nothing special you collect them all and you get a bonus.
What about the different tile sets?
Jungle, Plains (Summer AND Autumn), Lava, Wasteland (Necropolis), Underground
What about the presence of critters on the adv map?
Youll find turtles, dolphins, birds, etc.
What is the Campaign structure?
5 campaigns of 4 maps, 1 per faction, playable in any order, with an optional tutorial map and a mandatory prologue map.
What about the Map editor?
Marzhin is REALLY involved and there is a goal to make it user-friendly at the latest to be shipped with the game, but if possible and the quality is good enough it will be released BEFORE the game.