JB ma już prawie ćwierć wieku i pewnie od jej zarania padały propozycje wersji angielskiej; sam chyba kiedyś uczestniczyłem w takich przymiarkach. Czas pokazał, że to chyba zbyt ambitne, ale może warto wywiesić na stronie głównej jakąś „powitajkę”? Moja propozycja:
Hello, hero! Welcome to Behemoth’s Lair – the oldest Polish website about Heroes of Might and Magic game series, covering also the broader Might and Magic franchise and fantasy in general. The site was founded in 1998 by Behemoth, who holds the tilte of the Emperor, even though he retired from active administration years ago. Since then, BL has evolved from a small page announcing then-forthcoming HoMM3 game to a living news platform, a reference about all main installments of the HoMM series (I–VII) and an active community of enthusiasts. One of its most noticeable achievements is probably organizing the Polish HoMM3 Tournament in the years 2018–2020, in collaboration with original creators of the game, including Paul Anthony Romero and David Mullich. Behemoth’s Lair is also a place where you can share your artworks, your pieces of literature, take part in a role-playing game, or discuss topics ranging from cooking to Philosophy.
The Lair has also collaborated with other Internet communities of HoMM fans, especially the Acid Cave. Founded in 2003 by one of the members of BL’s community, it is arguably the Lair’s younger brother or even a descendant, and since 2008 it has been a codified ally of this portal.
Even though our website is predominantly in Polish, feel free to contact our team in English. Also, you’re more than welcome to attend the Lair’s annual convention, happening almost every summer since 2003, with the sad exception of 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The exact date and location of the meeting is announced every year, in spring at the latest.
Pozwoliłem sobie na pisownię brytyjską, konkretniej oskfordzką, czyli z z w organizing. Zatwierdzony tekst mogę też nagrać na głos, ale możliwe, że mój mikrofon da słaby rezultat.